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Nonlinear Least Squares Solver

Ilya Yaroshenko
enum LeastSquaresStatus: int;
Maximum number of iterations reached
The algorithm cann't improve the solution
Stationary values
Stationary gradient
Good (small) residual
template LeastSquaresFunction(T)

template LeastSquaresJacobian(T)
Delegates for low level D API.
template LeastSquaresFunctionBetterC(T)
Delegates for low level C API.
template LeastSquaresJacobianBetterC(T)
struct LeastSquaresSettings(T) if (is(T == double) || is(T == float));
Least-Squares iteration settings.
uint maxIterations;
Maximum number of iterations
uint maxAge;
Maximum jacobian model age (0 for default selection)
T jacobianEpsilon;
epsilon for finite difference Jacobian approximation
T absTolerance;
Absolute tolerance for step size, L2 norm
T relTolerance;
Relative tolerance for step size, L2 norm
T gradTolerance;
Absolute tolerance for gradient, L-inf norm
T maxGoodResidual;
The algorithm stops iteration when the residual value is less or equal to maxGoodResidual.
T maxStep;
maximum norm of iteration step
T maxLambda;
minimum trust region radius
T minLambda;
maximum trust region radius
T minStepQuality;
for steps below this quality, the trust region is shrinked
T goodStepQuality;
for steps above this quality, the trust region is expanded
T lambdaIncrease;
lambda is multiplied by this factor after step below min quality
T lambdaDecrease;
lambda is multiplied by this factor after good quality steps
BoxQPSettings!T qpSettings;
Bound constrained convex quadratic problem settings
struct LeastSquaresResult(T) if (is(T == double) || is(T == float));
Least-Squares results.
LeastSquaresStatus status;
Computation status
uint iterations;
Successful step count
uint fCalls;
Number of the function calls
uint gCalls;
Number of the Jacobian calls
T residual;
Final residual
T lambda;
LMA variable for (inverse of) initial trust region radius
LeastSquaresResult!T optimize(alias f, alias g = null, alias tm = null, T)(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!T settings, size_t m, Slice!(T*) x, Slice!(const(T)*) l, Slice!(const(T)*) u)
if (is(T == float) || is(T == double));

LeastSquaresResult!T optimize(alias f, TaskPool, T)(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!T settings, size_t m, Slice!(T*) x, Slice!(const(T)*) l, Slice!(const(T)*) u, TaskPool taskPool)
if (is(T == float) || is(T == double));
High level D API for Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm.
Computes the argmin over x of sum_i(f(x_i)^2) using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, and an estimate of the Jacobian of f at x.
The function f should take an input vector of length n, and fill an output vector of length m.
The function g is the Jacobian of f, and should fill a row-major m x n matrix.
f n -> m function
g m × n Jacobian (optional)
tm thread manager for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
LeastSquaresSettings!T settings Levenberg-Marquardt data structure
TaskPool taskPool task Pool with .parallel method for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
With Jacobian
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.blas: nrm2;

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;
auto x = [100.0, 100].sliced;
auto l = x.shape.slice(-double.infinity);
auto u = x.shape.slice(+double.infinity);
    (x, y)
        y[0] = x[0];
        y[1] = 2 - x[1];
    (x, J)
        J[0, 0] = 1;
        J[0, 1] = 0;
        J[1, 0] = 0;
        J[1, 1] = -1;
)(settings, 2, x, l, u);

assert(nrm2((x - [0, 2].sliced).slice) < 1e-8);
Using Jacobian finite difference approximation computed using in multiple threads.
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.blas: nrm2;
import std.parallelism: taskPool;

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;
auto x = [-1.2, 1].sliced;
auto l = x.shape.slice(-double.infinity);
auto u = x.shape.slice(+double.infinity);
    (x, y) // Rosenbrock function
        y[0] = 10 * (x[1] - x[0]^^2);
        y[1] = 1 - x[0];
)(2, x, l, u, taskPool);

// import std.stdio;
// writeln(settings);
// writeln(x);

assert(nrm2((x - [1, 1].sliced).slice) < 1e-6);
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice, sliced;
import mir.blas: nrm2;

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;
auto x = [-1.2, 1].sliced;
auto l = x.shape.slice(-double.infinity);
auto u = x.shape.slice(+double.infinity);

alias rosenbrockRes = (x, y)
    y[0] = 10 * (x[1] - x[0]^^2);
    y[1] = 1 - x[0];

alias rosenbrockJac = (x, J)
    J[0, 0] = -20 * x[0];
    J[0, 1] = 10;
    J[1, 0] = -1;
    J[1, 1] = 0;

static class FFF
    static auto opCall(Slice!(const(double)*) x, Slice!(double*, 2) J)
        rosenbrockJac(x, J);

settings.optimize!(rosenbrockRes, FFF)(2, x, l, u);

// import std.stdio;

// writeln(settings.iterations, " ", settings.fCalls, " ", settings.gCalls, " x = ", x);

assert(nrm2((x - [1, 1].sliced).slice) < 1e-8);


settings = settings.init;
x[] = [150.0, 150.0];
l[] = [10.0, 10.0];
u[] = [200.0, 200.0];

settings.optimize!(rosenbrockRes, rosenbrockJac)(2, x, l, u);

// writeln(settings.iterations, " ", settings.fCalls, " ", settings.gCalls, " ", x);
assert(nrm2((x - [10, 100].sliced).slice) < 1e-5);
assert(x.all!"a >= 10");
import mir.blas: nrm2;
import mir.math.common;
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.topology: linspace, map;
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.random;
import mir.random.algorithm;
import mir.random.variable;
import std.parallelism: taskPool;

alias model = (x, p) => p[0] * map!exp(-x * p[1]);

auto p = [1.0, 2.0];

auto xdata = [20].linspace([0.0, 10.0]);
auto rng = Random(12345);
auto ydata = slice(model(xdata, p) + 0.01 * rng.randomSlice(normalVar, xdata.shape));

auto x = [0.5, 0.5].sliced;
auto l = x.shape.slice(-double.infinity);
auto u = x.shape.slice(+double.infinity);

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;
settings.optimize!((p, y) => y[] = model(xdata, p) - ydata)(ydata.length, x, l, u);

assert((x - [1.0, 2.0].sliced).slice.nrm2 < 0.05);
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.topology: map, repeat, iota;
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.random;
import mir.random.variable;
import mir.random.algorithm;
import mir.math.common;

alias model = (x, p) => p[0] * map!exp(-x / p[1]) + p[2];

auto xdata = iota([100], 1);
auto rng = Random(12345);
auto ydata = slice(model(xdata, [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]) + 0.1 * rng.randomSlice(normalVar, xdata.shape));

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;

auto x = [15.0, 15.0, 15.0].sliced;
auto l = [5.0, 11.0, 5.0].sliced;
auto u = x.shape.slice(+double.infinity);

settings.optimize!((p, y) => y[] = model(xdata, p) - ydata)
    (ydata.length, x, l, u);

assert(all!"a >= b"(x, l));

// import std.stdio;

// writeln(x);
// writeln(settings.iterations, " ", settings.fCalls, " ", settings.gCalls);

settings = settings.init;
x[] = [5.0, 5.0, 5.0];
l[] = -double.infinity;
u[] = [15.0, 9.0, 15.0];
settings.optimize!((p, y) => y[] = model(xdata, p) - ydata)
    (ydata.length, x, l , u);

assert(x.all!"a <= b"(u));

// writeln(x);
// writeln(settings.iterations, " ", settings.fCalls, " ", settings.gCalls);
import mir.blas: nrm2;
import mir.math.common: sqrt;
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice;
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;

LeastSquaresSettings!double settings;
auto x = [0.001, 0.0001].sliced;
auto l = [-0.5, -0.5].sliced;
auto u = [0.5, 0.5].sliced;
    (x, y)
        y[0] = sqrt(1 - (x[0] ^^ 2 + x[1] ^^ 2));
)(1, x, l, u);

assert(nrm2((x - u).slice) < 1e-8);
LeastSquaresResult!T optimizeLeastSquares(alias f, alias g = null, alias tm = null, T)(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!T settings, size_t m, Slice!(T*) x, Slice!(const(T)*) l, Slice!(const(T)*) u);
High level nothtow D API for Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm.
Computes the argmin over x of sum_i(f(x_i)^2) using the Least-Squares algorithm, and an estimate of the Jacobian of f at x.
The function f should take an input vector of length n, and fill an output vector of length m.
The function g is the Jacobian of f, and should fill a row-major m x n matrix.
optimization status.
f n -> m function
g m × n Jacobian (optional)
tm thread manager for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
LeastSquaresSettings!T settings Levenberg-Marquardt data structure
size_t m length (dimension) of y = f(x)
Slice!(T*) x initial (in) and final (out) X value
Slice!(const(T)*) l lower X bound
Slice!(const(T)*) u upper X bound
See Also:
pure nothrow @nogc @safe string leastSquaresStatusString(LeastSquaresStatus st);
Status string for low (extern) and middle (nothrow) levels D API.
LeastSquaresStatus st optimization status
description for
alias LeastSquaresTask = void delegate(uint totalThreads, uint threadId, uint i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
alias LeastSquaresTaskBetterC = extern (C) void function(ref scope const(void delegate(uint, uint, uint) pure nothrow @nogc @safe), uint totalThreads, uint threadId, uint i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
alias LeastSquaresThreadManager = void delegate(uint count, scope void delegate(uint totalThreads, uint threadId, uint i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe task) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
Thread manager delegate type for low level extern(D) API.
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted LeastSquaresResult!double optimizeLeastSquaresD(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!double settings, size_t m, Slice!(double*) x, Slice!(const(double)*) l, Slice!(const(double)*) u, Slice!(double*) work, Slice!(lapackint*) iwork, scope LeastSquaresFunction!double f, scope LeastSquaresJacobian!double g = null, scope LeastSquaresThreadManager tm = null);

pure nothrow @nogc @trusted LeastSquaresResult!float optimizeLeastSquaresS(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!float settings, size_t m, Slice!(float*) x, Slice!(const(float)*) l, Slice!(const(float)*) u, Slice!(float*) work, Slice!(lapackint*) iwork, scope LeastSquaresFunction!float f, scope LeastSquaresJacobian!float g = null, scope LeastSquaresThreadManager tm = null);

template optimizeLeastSquares(T : double)

template optimizeLeastSquares(T : float)
Low level extern(D) instatiation.
LeastSquaresSettings!double settings Levenberg-Marquardt data structure
size_t m length (dimension) of y = f(x)
Slice!(double*) x initial (in) and final (out) X value
Slice!(const(double)*) l lower X bound
Slice!(const(double)*) u upper X bound
LeastSquaresFunction!double f n -> m function
LeastSquaresJacobian!double g m × n Jacobian (optional)
LeastSquaresThreadManager tm thread manager for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
Slice!(double*) work floating point workspace length of at least mir_least_squares_work_length
Slice!(lapackint*) iwork floating point workspace length of at least mir_least_squares_iwork_length
pure nothrow @nogc @safe size_t mir_least_squares_work_length(size_t m, size_t n);
pure nothrow @nogc @safe size_t mir_least_squares_iwork_length(size_t m, size_t n);
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted immutable(char)* mir_least_squares_status_string(LeastSquaresStatus st);
Status string for extern(C) API.
LeastSquaresStatus st optimization status
description for
alias LeastSquaresThreadManagerBetterC = extern (C) void function(scope void* context, uint count, ref scope const(void delegate(uint, uint, uint) pure nothrow @nogc @safe) taskContext, scope extern (C) void function(ref scope const(void delegate(uint, uint, uint) pure nothrow @nogc @safe), uint totalThreads, uint threadId, uint i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe task) pure nothrow @nogc @system;
Thread manager function type for low level extern(C) API.
pure nothrow @nogc @system LeastSquaresResult!double mir_optimize_least_squares_d(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!double settings, size_t m, size_t n, double* x, const(double)* l, const(double)* u, Slice!(double*) work, Slice!(lapackint*) iwork, scope void* fContext, scope LeastSquaresFunctionBetterC!double f, scope void* gContext = null, scope LeastSquaresJacobianBetterC!double g = null, scope void* tmContext = null, scope LeastSquaresThreadManagerBetterC tm = null);

pure nothrow @nogc @system LeastSquaresResult!float mir_optimize_least_squares_s(ref scope LeastSquaresSettings!float settings, size_t m, size_t n, float* x, const(float)* l, const(float)* u, Slice!(float*) work, Slice!(lapackint*) iwork, scope void* fContext, scope LeastSquaresFunctionBetterC!float f, scope void* gContext = null, scope LeastSquaresJacobianBetterC!float g = null, scope void* tmContext = null, scope LeastSquaresThreadManagerBetterC tm = null);

template mir_optimize_least_squares(T : double)

template mir_optimize_least_squares(T : float)
Low level extern(C) wrapper instatiation.
LeastSquaresSettings!double settings Levenberg-Marquardt data structure
void* fContext context for the function
LeastSquaresFunctionBetterC!double f n -> m function
void* gContext context for the Jacobian (optional)
LeastSquaresJacobianBetterC!double g m × n Jacobian (optional)
LeastSquaresThreadManagerBetterC tm thread manager for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
size_t m length (dimension) of y = f(x)
size_t n length (dimension) of X
double* x initial (in) and final (out) X value
const(double)* l lower X bound
const(double)* u upper X bound
LeastSquaresFunctionBetterC!double f n -> m function
void* fContext f context
LeastSquaresJacobianBetterC!double g m × n Jacobian (optional)
void* gContext g context
LeastSquaresThreadManagerBetterC tm thread manager for finite difference jacobian approximation in case of g is null (optional)
void* tmContext tm context
Slice!(double*) work floating point workspace length of at least mir_least_squares_work_length
Slice!(lapackint*) iwork floating point workspace length of at least mir_least_squares_iwork_length
pure nothrow @nogc @safe void mir_least_squares_init_d(ref LeastSquaresSettings!double settings);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe void mir_least_squares_init_s(ref LeastSquaresSettings!float settings);

template mir_least_squares_init(T : double)

template mir_least_squares_init(T : float)
Initialize LM data structure with default params for iteration.
LeastSquaresSettings!double settings Levenberg-Marquart data structure
pure nothrow @nogc @safe void mir_least_squares_reset_d(ref LeastSquaresSettings!double settings);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe void mir_least_squares_reset_s(ref LeastSquaresSettings!float settings);

template mir_least_squares_reset(T : double)

template mir_least_squares_reset(T : float)
Resets all counters and flags, fills x, y, upper, lower, vecors with default values.
LeastSquaresSettings!double settings Levenberg-Marquart data structure